Penguin Spotting

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Late photos . . .

Sorry, I know I promised photos of the field camp, but most of them didn't come out well. I took some more pictures today and will try to get them online tonight. The food at the field camp is still the best on the continent. It really helps morale around here.

John (a fellow Antarctic visitor I met on my flight down here) and I climbed Observation Hill yesterday, its a small peak just behind the McMurdo base. Its kind of funny, heading out at 7:30 and not having to worry that its going to get dark. The view from the top was incredible, you could look out over the ice shelf to the mountains on both Ross Island and the Continent itself. Waching the light snow blow over the ridges and ripples in the ice almost looks like a sparkling ocean as the sun hit it. Then we started to get really cold and headed back down. John spends the next 2 days in outdoor survival camp (or "Happy Camper School" as its known here), including one night spent out in a snow shelter. Good luck John, keep warm!*

*To you APL'ers Bliss already took and survived this course, he said it was quite an experience and he enjoyed it a lot.


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    By Blogger Chris, at 3:40 PM  

  • Be sure to bring your lightsaber and a tauntaun in case you have to slice open its carcass in order to stay warm.

    By Blogger Chris, at 3:43 PM  

  • I think I survived this course last year in the Smokies.

    Oh wait, the high temperature where you are was the low temperature where we were.

    But you have more clothes, so I'd say that makes me hard core.

    By Blogger Matt, at 3:40 PM  

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