Penguin Spotting

Saturday, December 16, 2006

ANITA Launches!

Finally, the weather conditions were adequate to get the first payload in line off the ground and on its journey to orbit the pole. The LBD crew were fast and efficeint, the complete process didn't take more than a few hours, and the balloon was in the air by 3:00 pm. This is great news for SBI because it means there is space in the payload bay now for final preperations for the pre-launch Hang Test. With some luck, BLAST will be able to launch this Sunday, we may be home soon!

Here is the gallery of the launch:

Wish up luck!


  • Cool! (no pun intended ;-) It's good to hear that you may be home soon after a lot of work.

    As always, I have a few questions. How are you doing your timesheet? Any overtime? If you have any downtime after the launch, could you do more episodes of Penkie? :)

    Good speed!


    By Blogger Unknown, at 12:51 PM  

  • That's awesome Nate!

    By Blogger Chris, at 6:15 AM  

  • Two questions: when your payload comes back down, is it some sort of controlled descent? Are the other two payloads that are being launched intended to return in the same way as well?

    By Blogger Matt, at 5:51 AM  

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